
Self Mastery & Lasting Happiness

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“Love in Action” Message

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Monthly Inspirations

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Free Class coming up

6 Behaviors to Align with Divine Love

Thursday, March 6, 2025

5 pm PST – 8 pm EST

Click here to REGISTER


Coaching provides the inner- strength  and tools to learn how to rely on and believe in your unlimited potential and power. It will help you stir up that innate knowing and self-trust already instilled deep in your soul. Your will receive the support and accountability to move forward  when the “old you” would rather give up and turn back. The variety of in-person seminars, workshops, and one-on-one coaching programs that Gloria offers are helping and impacting thousands of lives on this planet. Read more …

“Before any personal external change can occur, we must first look at ourselves on the inside.” ~Gloria Ramirez: Uncover Your Glorious Being


This is what Gloria’s clients say:

“Experiencing Rev. Gloria’s” 12 Steps To Mastery” workshop was a great privilege. I have seen powerful presentations in my 44 years of personal ministry. Rev. Gloria is an extraordinary facilitator of heart transformations. Her workshops are for those ready to go deep in their soul journey and awaken to the empowered beings that they are.  What makes her work even more potent is that she asks no one to do what she herself has not. She is about stirring the Victorious Spirit within each of us.” ~ Dr. Charles D. Geddes – Founder/Spiritual Director of Bridges of Wellness, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

“I listened this morning to the “Thank God it’s Monday” webinar, and your words resonated to the deepest level of my core being. I was so moved, and empowered. It probably changed my consciousness, my thoughts, my perspective, and therefore my life. I am so very grateful…timing was definitely Divine. I was so moved by your ending prayer; it completely opened my heart….I cried and still am.” ~ Beth Stoller

“Gloria has a unique ability to create the space to help you transcend your limitations. Gloria has a gift to assist you to open up and become aware of your possibilities. Spiritual adviser, master at coaching” 
~ Norm Adams, Director of Real Estate

To schedule your Coaching Session with GLORIA RAMIREZ

call 530-264-0097 or e-mail love@GloriaRamirez.com

It has been said that the prime cause of the results we get in our lives is the hidden image we have of ourselves. As a coach, healer, teacher, trainer and speaker, I guide you to let go of any limiting beliefs and habits blocking the results you want in your life. I empower you to discover, embrace and share your gifts and talents and to take your life to the next level, so you can fully express the magnificent being that you are. I have the gifts of intuitive knowledge and spiritual healing. I witness miracles consistently in my clients, students and audiences.

I am passionate about supporting individuals, groups and companies to create winning results in their lives.

I help them to explore and recognize any limiting beliefs that might be stopping them from getting what they want. I guide them to replace limiting conditioning with empowering new habits.

I assist people in setting up goals and in creating the space for them to use the power of their mind to think into winning results. I help them understand and work with the power of positive thinking and the art of choosing thoughts and words that empower.

I also support people in creating a winning self-image and to embrace their infinite potential to manifest abundance in all areas of their life.

My own life has been a deep experience in overcoming obstacles. With determination and perseverance I was able to shift my mentality from “victim” to “victor”. I was able to heal my past to the point of realizing that those experiences were the foundation of the work that I so joyfully do today. Read more…

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