

Purify your Heart and Expand your Prosperity

To read this month’s Love in Action Newsletter, click here

What a wonderful opportunity we have to start a new year with the intention of keeping our hearts pure. Sometimes we do not realize that a pure heart and prosperity go hand in hand. Anything that blocks our heart like resentment, judgment, criticism, also block our prosperity in all areas. This is why it is important to become aware of the areas that need our attention. The secret is that we need to be honest with ourselves and also be willing to do the work. The reward will surpass our expectations because once we release the blocks, prosperity can come to us in unexpected ways.

I invite you to do an introspection to see what are the changes you need to make. Make sure you do it with a sense of self compassion. We all have made mistakes and all we need to do is be willing to correct them. If it is resentment that is blocking your heart, be willing to release the pain by writing how you feel and then do a ritual to burn all those emotions. If it is judgment that is preventing you from living prosperously, commit every day to replace it with thoughts of gratitude. And, so on, take a look at each of the possible areas in your personality that might have negative tendencies and do your best to find the opposite quality that you can focus on practicing.

Here are a few ideas on how you can purify your heart to expand your prosperity:

1. Remove negative thoughts from your mind. Watch your inner dialog and let go of anything that limits you. You can use affirmations to help you do the internal change

2. Make good deeds a habit. Good actions will help you to purify your heart and receive the flow of blessings that the universe wants to give you.

3. Be consistent. Stay committed with your goal of making the changes. For this you need to apply your will power with determination and steady action. Fortify your will power by taking responsibility for every aspect of your life.

4. Keep good company. Being in the company of good, kind, positive people will give you a sense that you are moving in the right direction and will provide the motivation to keep doing your best.

5. Have faith. Focus on expecting the best of life, and you will create a wonderful magnetism that will attract what you are seeking.

On Thursday, January 5th, I will be facilitating a FREE “Purification Ceremony”. This ceremony can help you purify your heart and start your new year ready to receive your prosperity. Click here to REGISTER (

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self-Mastery
Monthly Inspirational FREE Class – Click here to register

If you feel that you need support to overcome a challenging issue in your life, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.

Cultivate Abundant Living

To read this month’s Love in Action Newsletter, click here

The way I understand “abundant living” is to have financial stability, good health and vitality, harmonious relationships, spiritual fulfillment and a peaceful, joyful life. I believe this is a journey, and every day we are given the opportunity to do our best to expand our consciousness in each area.

One amazing thing that I have discovered is that the more I focus on love and being happy, the more my attitude impacts all areas of my life. It is like doors of opportunities open up for me in magical ways. And yes, it requires effort, commitment and faith. However, with a little bit of will power and determination, these are qualities that can be developed every day. The secret, I have discovered, is to be in alignment, through your thoughts, words and actions, with higher qualities, with divine qualities: love, peace, joy, compassion, generosity, patience, and kindness. The more we live at this level, the more we are going to experience abundant living, otherwise we block the flow.

Here are a few tips on how to cultivate abundant living:

  1. Be grateful for what you have. Instead of thinking about what you do not have, focus on your blessings and they will be multiplied. Remember “what you focus on expands.”
  2. Feel worthy of receiving. Many times, we pray like beggars, forgetting our divine right to receive, feeling unworthy. It is important to change this attitude and feel worthy when you pray. Give thanks in advance as if you already have received your request, like this: “Thank you God for my amazing, well paid job that you have selected for me.”
  3. Use your thoughts, words and attitude to create abundance. You know that they are creating your reality. Make sure you create consciously by focusing on abundance and not on lack. Eliminate all language based on poverty and limitation and replace it with language of bountiful, prosperous, even if you have to fake it. This way you will be sending a vibration of abundance and by the law of attraction this is what you will attract.
  4. Believe you live in an abundant universe. You must remember that your level of consciousness is what is attracting or repelling abundance in your life. If you have a consciousness of lack, your will attract poverty. If you have a consciousness of abundance, this is exactly what you will attract. Nature has a consciousness of plenty and this is why forests are so bountiful. Intentionally, build a consciousness of abundance.
  5. Have faith in an Infinite Power that wants to “prosper you above all”. Trust that you are not alone and there is an infinite intelligence behind it all and it is responding to your thoughts. Make sure that you affirm prosperity.

On Thursday, December 1st, I will be facilitating a FREE class via zoom, and I will talk about “5 Ways to Create and Maintain Inner and Outer Harmony”. These tips can help you embrace today’s message as it will provide inspiration on how to live abundantly. Click here to REGISTER (

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self-Mastery
Monthly Inspirational FREE Class

If you feel that you need support to overcome a challenging issue in your life, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.


5 Ways to Create and Maintain Inner & Outer Harmony

To read this month’s Love in Action Newsletter, click here

“Inner harmony is nothing but a feeling of peace of mind derived from self-acceptance, acceptance of the people and circumstances around, and acceptance of the past.” -DH

This quote explains clearly how we can create and maintain inner harmony. The big challenge of humanity is acceptance. First of all, if we do not accept ourselves, we are going to find it difficult to accept others. We do it mostly by criticizing ourselves with our inner dialogue. Then we criticize others because we have expectations of them and they don’t behave as we think they should. And then, we carry with us the past, not willing to let go, holding to resentments and past hurts.

It has been said that our inner world reflects our outer world. Life brings us plenty of opportunities to change our outer world when we are not satisfied with it so we can bring inner and outer harmony to our lives. The secret is to be willing to do our part. The wonderful pay off is real, lasting happiness.

Here are a few ways on how you can bring inner harmony into your life and maintain it. All you need is effort and determination:

  1. Accept Your Own Light. Remember that you were created in the imagine and likeliness of God. I recently read a story from Nayaswami Devi about this person that her and her husband met at an airport and said to them: “You have to accept your own light so that other people have the courage to accept theirs.”
  2. Accept others as they are and do not build expectations about them. Do not try to change others, instead be willing to see the learning in each life experience and give your very best to become a better version of yourself every day.
  3. Accept and let go of the past. We all have had painful experiences in our lives and if we see them as “learning experiences” that helped us grow, we let go of the past and we are ready to embrace the present with faith and inner harmony.
  4. Become an embodiment of love, kindness and compassion. Love everyone and everything around you without any exemption. This is how we return to our true essence and how we will experience lasting inner and outer harmony.
  5. Keep a strong relationship with God. Pray for Him to help you see perfection in yourself and others. All harmony comes from God and as you maintain a deep connection, you will be guided to the right action moment to moment and you will be blessed by His grace.

On Thursday, November 3rd, I will be facilitating a FREE class via zoom, and I will talk about “5 Ways to Create Happy, Harmonious Relationships”. These tips can help you embrace today’s message as it will provide tips on how to deepen your relationship with yourself and others. Click here to REGISTER

In divine friendship,

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self Mastery
Click here for more information
If you feel that you need support to overcome a challenging issue in your life, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.

5 Ways to Create Happy, Harmonious Relationships

To read this month’s Love in Action Newsletter, click here


Every one of us has experienced relationships with family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, co-workers and the human family. Have all been happy and harmonious? Most likely we have had ups and downs, and sometimes it has felt like a roller coaster that we might not know how to stop and get out.

I believe, very deep inside, each one of us yearns for harmonious relationships in every area of our lives because our greatest desire is happiness. The challenge is that we tend to look for that happiness outside of ourselves maybe in material things or expecting for others to make us happy or to behave in a proper way so we do not get disturbed. The more we continue to look for our happiness in the external world, the more frustrated and dissatisfied we are going to feel.

The secret is to go within and realize that to create happy, harmonious relationships, first of all, we have to start by creating a healthy and harmonious relationship with ourselves: To learn self-love, self-respect, self-acceptance, kindness, and to acknowledge that happiness is our birthright. As we are able to become masters of these qualities, we will feel at peace and then will be able to share them with others.

I’d like to share these 5 ways that have helped me to create happy and harmonious relationships in my own life:

  1. Be the harmonious person that you wish to attract. We have to be the example of how we want others to treat us. Instead of waiting for others to be the change we want to see, we must start by having the humility to be willing to change our behaviors and beliefs that might be limiting us.
  2. Communicate and listen. In all relationships it is crucial to express your feelings with respect and calmness. The other side of the coin is to be willing to listen attentively without interrupting the other person. Choose to be peaceful instead of being right.
  3. Apologize when in error. If you realize that you have made a mistake, be willing to express that you are sorry for your mistake and share how you are willing to be attentive to your new behavior. Also, be quick to forgive and to ask for forgiveness.
  4. Make room for your differences. Be willing to accept different points of view or perspectives. Remember that each of us has a different past with specific experiences that marked our lives and created our beliefs. Remind yourself that it’s ok to respectfully disagree.
  5. Be the best version of yourself. Every day we have the opportunity to expand our energy toward our highest potential by expressing qualities that can help us grow and nourish happy and harmonious relationships. We do this by exemplifying qualities like kindness, respect, acceptance, generosity, patience and calmness.

On Thursday, October 6th, I will be facilitating a FREE class via zoom, and I will talk about “6 Tips on How to Return to Love”. These tips can help you embrace today’s message as it will provide tips on how to deepen your relationship with yourself. Click here to REGISTER

In divine friendship,

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self Mastery
Click here for more information
If you feel that you need support to overcome a challenging issue in your life, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.

Returning to LOVE

To read this month’s Love in Action Newsletter, click here


I was recently guiding someone who has decided to work on letting go of limiting habits and somehow it came so clear to me and I said, congratulations, you are returning back to love, to your original essence.

Our original soul is love and when we limit the expression of it in its purest form, unconditional love, we suffer and make our lives more difficult. Our soul’s essence is love, kindness, joy, peace, compassion, generosity, and more. When we are not in alignment with these principles, it is like trying to swim in a river against the current holding on to branches or whatever we can to stay alive. If we turn around and swim with the current we are going to be in the flow. It is exactly the same when we return to love. We are going to be in the flow of divine grace and our lives are going to move towards harmony and wellbeing.

The way to return to our original essence is by letting go of limiting habits or behaviors like hatred, resentment, criticism, gossiping, fear, doubt, insecurity, envy, and so on. This is why, each of us, needs to take responsibility and work on the issues that are blocking our spiritual progress and this is how we can return back to love.

Here are a few tips on how you can embrace your soul’s essence and return back to love:

1. Be aware of your thoughts, words and actions
Make sure that you focus your energy on thoughts that are loving, empowering and positive. They are creating your reality. Use language that is kind, uplifting and edifying. Be aware of your actions and follow the golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

2. Be kind to everyone even if they have a different point of view
What is wonderful about being kind is that you go through life accepting others as they are and this rewards you with peace and joy. Remember to not put people in rigid containers and expect them to behave the same way. Instead appreciate their uniqueness.

3. Deepen your relationship with God
He is pure unconditional love and as you decide to live your life based on the principle that you were created in His image and likeliness, you will be able to plant seeds of kindness, love and respect everywhere you go and the harvest will be a bounty of the same returning back to you.

4. Forgive completely
When you forgive, you liberate yourself from the chains of negative emotions, health challenges and all of the destructive effects of an imprisoned heart.

5. Meditate every day
Take time every day to meditate, even if it is just for 10 minutes. This is a sacred opportunity to be alone with God, to feel His presence and to listen to His guidance.

6. Tell others you love them and praise them.
By doing this, you will have the opportunity to open your heart and theirs as well. By your example, they will turn around and do the same to others and this is how we create a better world, one person at a time.

I leave you with this amazing quote: “Love is the essential existential fact. It is our ultimate reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life.” ― Marianne Williamson, Return to Love.

In divine friendship,

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self Mastery
Click here for more information
If you feel that you need support to overcome a challenging issue in your life, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.

Choose to Be Happy

To read this month’s Love in Action Newsletter, click here


Have you ever been in situations where you think that if the other person changes his or her behavior, then you will be happy or get what you want? Has it worked for you?

In my own experience it has never worked. In those situations, life has thought me many lessons:

  1. Not to have expectations of how people should behave and instead always do my best and leave the rest to God.
  2. Accept people as they are. Each person has a different perception of life based of their own experiences including childhood upbringing. It is not possible to put people in rigid containers and expect them to behave the same way. We can instead appreciate our differences.
  3. Remember that if there is anything I do not like about the other person, he or she is a mirror of what has to change in myself. The author of the book: “Radical Forgiveness” Colin Tipping puts it this way: “If you spot it you got it.” If you see a shortcoming in the other person you have it in yourself, maybe not in the same degree, but there is an invitation to do some introspection with humility and responsibility.
  4. Set up boundaries with respect when necessary. When we learn to express our truth with respect, we do not accumulate issues that can later on explode like a bomb. This practice allows us to maintain a healthy communication and harmonious relationships.
  5. Decide if you want to be right or you want to be happy. How many times we allow our ego to control us by wanting us to force our opinions and the way we see life in others. If you find yourself in that situation you can practice humbleness, let go of the need to be right and embrace the peace and happiness that resides within you.
  6. Be committed to unconditional love. This is the best gift we can give to ourselves, not to have expectations of anyone and just love them without conditions. To be able to get there we have to start by loving ourselves unconditionally. We cannot give what we do not have. Continue to embrace yourself with love and compassion and then you will feel the same for others.

In divine friendship,

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self Mastery
Click here for more information
If you feel that you need support to overcome a challenging issue in your life, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.

Be the Peace and Harmony you Desire

To read this month’s Love in Action Newsletter, click here


To be able to be the peace and harmony we desire, I think it is important to ask ourselves in all circumstances: Do I want to be right, or do I want to have peace?

Every day we are going to encounter people or situations that view life from a different point of view than ours. I think at that moment we have 2 ways to approach it: One is to get upset and state our beliefs with anger and force believing that ours is the only right way; Or, accepting that everyone is entitled to have a different opinion and we can choose at that moment to be peaceful about it. The moment we try to control or influence others thru force or power, we are entering a territory of distress and unhappiness.

What it is important is to remember that if we truly want to be happy, we must be the peace and harmony that we are seeking. Every day we have the freedom to decide how we want to approach life. Do we want to control and expect for others to behave or think the way we want? Or, do we want to accept that there will always be people with opinions and beliefs opposite to ours? Do we want to be right? Or do we want to be happy?

This is what Wayne Dyer, self-help author, shares about peace:

“Peace isn’t something you ultimately receive when you slow down the pace of your life. Peace is what you’re capable of being and bringing to every encounter and event in the waking moments of your life. Being peaceful is an inner attitude that you can enjoy when you’ve learned to silence your incessant inner dialogue. Being peaceful isn’t dependent on what your surroundings look like. It seldom has anything to do with what the people around you think, say, or do. A noiseless environment isn’t a requirement.”

He continues: “St. Francis’s famous prayer states it better than I can: “Make me an instrument of your peace.” In other words, St. Francis wasn’t asking God to provide him with peace. He was asking for guidance to be more like the peace he trusted was his Source. Being peace is different from looking for peace.”

He continues: “As a being of peace, you make a huge impact on those around you. It’s almost impossible to be totally stressed out in the presence of someone who has opted to be peace. Peace is a higher and faster energy—when you’re being peace, just your presence alone will often nullify the uneasiness and tension in those around you. The secret of this principle is: Be the peace and harmony you desire. You cannot get it from anything or anyone else.”

In divine friendship,

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self Mastery
Click here for more information
If you feel that you need support to overcome a challenging issue in your life, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.


Travel Light in Life

To read this month’s Love in Action Newsletter, click here


“Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light.” – Harbhajan Singh Yogi

Lately, I have been thinking on how important it is to let go of the past and only focus in the now. It is in the now that we can pay attention to how we are choosing to show up in life. When we bring the past with us, it is like traveling with a lot of baggage without realizing that we are taking with us luggage that ends up being very heavy and does not allow us to enjoy our journey. This baggage can be regrets, guilt, fear, sorrow, resentment, doubt, criticism, insecurity, anger, etc.

The solution is to decide to travel light as it is suggested in this quote: “If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears.” Cesare Pavese

I’d like to share some tips on how you can travel light throughout life:

Bring love everywhere you go. It will be your best friend and will open doors for you everywhere.

Carry a smile everywhere you go. It will be your signature for people to recognize your light.

Help someone in need. Your journey will present you with plenty of opportunities to help others.

Leave at home your past including sorrows and worries. This will allow you to create new, wonderful experiences that will bring you true joy.

Live with the innocence, awe of life and enthusiasm of a child. Enjoy each moment as if you were living it for the first time.

I invite you to pay attention as to what type of luggage you are carrying with you every day. To make sure you are traveling light, ask yourself: is this attitude going to help me enjoy my journey, or do I need to let go of some habits, limitations and thoughts? What can I bring with me today to make my journey pleasant? Make sure LOVE is your constant companion!!!

In divine friendship,

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self-Mastery

If you feel that you need support to overcome a challenging issue in your life, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.


We Become What We Think About

To read this month’s Love in Action Newsletter, click here


Lately I have been reading one of my favorite books and a classic best seller that was originally published in 1903: “As A Man Thinketh by James Allen.” In his book he reveals the fundamental truth of human nature: “A man is literally what he thinks.”

Every time I read or listen to this book I find a hidden jewel. It delivers a message that is clear, simple and deeply profound. What I realize is that the only block to embracing the truth contained in this book is our own resistance. For example, James Allen explains how we create our own reality with our thoughts. The challenge is that if we are used to playing victim, blaming others, finding excuses for our behavior, we are not going to accept that we have to take responsibility for what we are creating in our lives. And if do not take responsibility we remain in a vicious circle, creating circumstances in our lives that we do not like.

This is what James Allen says:

 “A man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed-seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind.

Just as a gardener cultivates his plot, keeping it free from weeds, and growing the flowers and fruits which, he requires so may a man tend the garden of his mind, weeding out all the wrong, useless and impure thoughts, and cultivating toward perfection the flowers and fruits of right, useful and pure thoughts.”

Each one of us is responsible for cultivating the garden of our mind. Nobody can enter our minds and do it for us. All we have to do is to have the determination to be selective about the thoughts that we accept in our minds. We must cultivate thoughts of kindness, peace, forgiveness, generosity, patience, faith. These thoughts will produce a balance and harmonious life.

I invite you to pay attention to the quality of your thoughts and if you detect a thought that is negative, replace it right away with a positive thought. This is how you become the master of your thoughts. One thought at a time!

I highly recommend for you to listen or read the book. Click here for audio to get a copy

In divine friendship,

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self Mastery
If you feel that you need support to overcome a challenging issue in your life, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.


To transform the world, we must start with ourselves

To read this month’s Love in Action Newsletter, click here


As we think about what it is going on in the world, especially in Russia and Ukraine, we probably are asking ourselves, what can I do to change this?  There is a lot we can do to send positive energy in their direction. First of all, we must remember the power of prayer. Prayer is a wonderful way to let them know that we are thinking about them and that we are sending our healing prayers their way. We can also visualize the presence of God bathing everyone in the area with His Light and Love. Another way we can help is to live in peace and act kindly towards others to set an example for others to follow.

The more of us decide to live peaceful lives, the more we are able to impact our world. That is why the famous quote: To transform the world we must start we ourselves. How do we do it?

Be kind to all. Even if there is disagreement or difference of opinions we must respect others and be willing to act with kindness and respect.

Think on how you can help others. Many times, we get into the “me, me, me” mentality forgetting that it is in helping others that we are able to find fulfillment.

Always do your best. In anything that you do, even menial tasks, give your very best. Then you have the satisfaction that you did not cut corners, that you were honest and committed.

Feel united rather than separated. Find ways to see everyone as part of a brotherhood, avoiding criticizing or gossiping and instead looking for ways to help and support others.

Have hope for a better world. As each one of us develop an attitude of support for each other, take the responsibility of transforming ourselves and commit to live our lives based on love and peace principles, we are going to be able to witness that better world.

I invite you to focus on transforming yourself by the power of love, kindness, respect and compassion. Then we will experience a transformed world. We can attain victory together!!!

In divine friendship,

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self Mastery
If you feel that you need support to overcome a challenging issue in your life, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.


Five Practices for Living Fearlessly

To read this month’s Love in Action Newsletter, click here


There is so much going on in the world and in our daily lives that our instinct of self-preservation can take us automatically to feeling fearful. The challenge with this attitude is that fear will never solve our problems and, on the opposite, will intensify them. This is why it is important to think of ways on how we can turn our fear around by returning back to our true nature, which is peace.

We are bombarded every day with news and situations that make us be in fear of sickness, death, poverty, and old age. What we forget, sometimes, is that the more we allow these thoughts of fear to dwell in us, the more we attract more of the same. It is called the law of attraction, the law of cause and effect, the law of magnetism. We attract what we think about. What we need to do is to develop courage and use the power of our will to replace those thoughts with thoughts of well-being, prosperity, vitality and so on.

Fear aggravates all of your miseries. Not only does it have a damaging effect on our health including the heart, nervous system, and brain, it is destructive to mental initiative, courage, judgment, and common sense. Fear throws a veil over our intuition and robs us of our confidence to overcome any difficulties in life. It also obstructs our connection with the almighty power of our Creator.

I’d like to share five ways to practice living fearlessly:

  1. Use your breath to relax your heart and your mind

When fear comes and you feel overwhelmed, inhale and exhale several times, deeply and slowly. This helps to quiet the heart.

The breath is intimately linked with the mind. By controlling and relaxing the breath, we influence the mind to become calm. Inhale slowly, counting to eight. Hold the breath for the same eight count while concentrating your attention at the point between the eyebrows. Now exhale slowly to the same count of eight.

2. Cultivate the power of your will

A person must be strong-willed to drive away the mind-paralyzing fears that would take away his inner peace. When fear shows up, gather all the power of your will to shift the energy to positive solutions to meet your specific difficulty or challenge.

  1. Nurture your faith on God

God is your friend and wants to help you, especially in difficult moments. He will never let you down, if you firmly hold His hand and are willing to listen for His guidance. There is always a solution for every challenge. Just be willing to listen to His whispering message.

4. Invite your mind to remain calm

You can influence your mind in a positive or negative direction. Fear is nourished by thinking constantly of frightful possibilities, until they become a reality. This is why it is so important to influence the mind in a positive direction by inviting it to remain ever calm, and by not giving power to the trials that affect you. Calmness gives you the power to overcome all the obstacles in life. You can divert your mind by turning your attention to inspiring books or any uplifting messages.

5. Use the power of Meditation to overcome fear

Every time you meditate, your fear diminishes because you go inward to that place in you where there is peace and joy and you will find yourself becoming freer inside. Meditate on courage and in due time you will be freed from the bondage of fear and you will feel protected by the greatest force, the love of God.

Affirmation for Courage from Paramahansa Yogananda:

“I live protected by God’s infinite light. So long as I remain in the heart of it, Nothing and no one can harm me.”

In divine friendship,

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self Mastery
If you feel that you need support to overcome a challenging issue in your life, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.


Making Time for People
The pandemic has affected all areas of our lives and specially has left an emptiness in our hearts as a result of the loved ones who have departed.

I am writing this message in honor of a very dear friend of our family, really a sister, who has left this world unexpectedly. Reflecting on my relationship with her, all I have is good memories. She was fun, full of joy, generous, very funny and a very good human being.

For many, many years, every time I went to Colombia to visit my family, one of the first calls I received was from her. She wanted to make sure that she did not miss the opportunity to see me. For all those years we were able to meet for breakfast, lunch or dinner. My last trip to Colombia in 2019 was very short because the only reason I went was to take a care of an urgent dental issue. She found out from my sister that I was there and tried very hard to convince her to find some room in my schedule to meet. Even though, I wanted to see her, I told her that unfortunately I could not meet with her this time and I promised to do it next time.

The next time is not an option anymore because she departed from this world the 9th of January. Thinking about this saddens my heart deeply. Although I did not purposely avoid her, and I truly spent all my time at the dentist, I realize now, how important it is to make time for others. Ananda, the spiritual community where I live has a motto: “people are more important than things”. Now, more than ever I am aware of how important it is to make time for people, no matter how busy I am.

Also, I realize how vital is to be loving to people while they are alive because deep inside we have the satisfaction to know that we did our best. This gives us tremendous peace.

Another important aspect is to forgive those that we feel have hurt us. I believe, we must leave this earth, when it is our time, with our heart pure, free of resentments or any other emotions that might block the heart. We must be willing to work on ourselves consistently to make sure that we have loving and harmonious relationships with everyone. This is the best gift we can give to ourselves and others.

We all have made mistakes in life and I believe that the best way to rectify them is by focusing on replacing those behaviors or beliefs with ones that empower us and others and to focus on being and doing the best we can.

Affirm: It gives me great joy to make time for people

In divine friendship,

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self Mastery
If you feel that you need support to overcome a challenging issue in your life, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.

The Transforming Power of Love

To read this month’s Love in Action Newsletter, click here


Think for a moment what is the one thing everyone is looking for, probably without realizing it. People are looking for LOVE. The love of their family, the love of their friends, the love of the people they interact with every day. Why are we looking for love? Because deep inside of us we know that love brings us happiness.

However, when we take a look at our world, we see the opposite behavior in human beings: hatred, revenge, criticism, competition, blaming, greed, etc. Our temptation is to criticize those who have unloving behaviors, without realizing that this action takes us out of our heart. The solution is to surrender those thoughts to a Higher Power and keep aligning with the power of love. As we continue to be steadfast, we are able to transform our own lives and the lives of those around us. Love always heals the wounds of the past and makes us better human beings. Our highest potential can be reached through the power of love.

The best gift we can give our loved ones is the gift of love. We do not have to wait for the holiday season to share our love. We can do it throughout the year and this way we are able to build harmonious and healthy relationships that will bring us happiness, peace and a fulfilled life.

I’d like to share some tips to cultivate a consistent practice of unconditional love:

  1. Refuse to criticize yourself or others. Instead, focus on the solution by thinking of the many ways an issue can be resolved. Be willing to see the positive side of each person.
  2. Be kind. Be willing to observe yourself and how you treat others. Do it with respect and courtesy. Acts of kindness help us to open our hearts.
  3. Pray for others and for the world. Send a vibration of love through your prayers and trust in the results.
  4. Stay positive. No matter what you see or hear, be determined to keep a positive attitude.
  5. Be the change you want to see in the world. Do not wait for others to take the initiative to be loving and kind. Be a role model and others will follow. This is how we can allow the power of love to transform our world. Throughout history, we have many heroes, leaders, and saints that have done it. Follow their example.

Affirm: I allow the Power of Love to transform me and the lives of those around me

I wish you a very blessed holiday season and a successful new year,

In divine friendship,

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self-Mastery

If you feel that you need support to overcome a challenging issue in your life, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.

Become a Better Version of YourselfG

To read this month’s Love in Action Newsletter, click here


Every day we have the opportunity to become a better version of ourselves. The secret is in our willingness to change those aspects of us that block our chance to reach our highest potential. We are capable to succeed in every area of our lives because we have been created with divine power and have been given talents and abilities unique to each one of us.

One the major obstacles that we face when we want to become a better version of ourselves is the hidden belief that we are “not good enough.” This belief is buried in the subconscious mind and the only way to uncover it is by paying attention to what we are manifesting in our lives. Remember that what we accept in our minds is what we will be attracting. If our thoughts, language and attitude about ourselves or others is negative, instead of expanding our energy, we are contracting it, feeling less than, not capable, not smart enough, not educated enough, and the list goes on.

One way to uncover these hidden beliefs, is to look at every aspect of our life and be willing to be honest so can figure out why we are creating those circumstances or outcome. For example, for many years I had a huge challenge with anger and therefore I had many relationship problems. It was only until I decided to be honest with myself and truly follow a forgiveness program that I was able to overcome this major obstacle and forgive everyone. Now, I truly enjoy my relationships with my family, friends and acquaintances and with myself.

To become a better version of yourself, I invite you to follow these steps:

  1. Take an inventory of your life: Examine every area: relationships, career, finances, health, spirituality, etc. and be willing to investigate what kind of language, thoughts and attitude you have about this area. As you see where you need to improve, take action right away.
  2. Create a goal plan to start working in one area at a time: This way you will be able to truly see your progress and get motivated to continue. Once you feel you have accomplished your goal in that area, move to the next one. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
  3. Create an affirmation or decree for that specific area. For example: “I am so happy and grateful now that my job allows me to use my talents and abilities and express my creativity in ways that are fulfilling to me. I work with and for people whom a I love and respect, and who love and respect me, in a wonderful environment and earning great money.”
  4. Trust in a Higher Power who wants you to succeed with your plan
  5. Remember, as we see ourselves so we tend to become. Here is an affirmation from “The Success Book” by John Randolph Price:

“I see myself energetic, inspired, and enthusiastic. I see myself loving and loved, unconditionally. I see myself poised, confident, and filled with the power of absolute faith. I see myself as whole and complete, with on all-sufficiency of all things. I see myself with perfect judgment and as Divine Wisdom in action. I see myself as strong, mighty, and powerful. I see myself as eternal Life in perfect expression. I see myself joyous, happy and delighted to be me. I see myself enjoying the Good Will of God every single day. I see myself with perfect understanding. I see myself as the light of the world. I see myself as God being me.”

Affirm: Every day I strive to become a better version of myself

In divine friendship,

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self-Mastery

If you feel that you need support to overcome a challenging issue in your life, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.

To read this month’s Love in Action Newsletter, click here


John Randolph Price says that to deepen our awareness, understanding, and knowledge of true success, “You must have the consciousness for that which is desired. Without the consciousness, it cannot come to you.”

I find his message extremely profound, concise and simple. If we desire success we must develop a consciousness of success, which means to think, speak and act successful. The challenge is that in many cases we have developed a consciousness of failure, fear, not good enough, unworthy, etc. This attitude instead of bringing success, it will bring hardships and challenges to our lives.

I had a teacher who used to say, if the masses are moving in one direction, you run the opposite way. His advice has helped me tremendously because I started to think before I followed the opinions of others. I realized that in so many ways, people are moving in the wrong direction: criticism, greed, fear, doubt, blaming, and I did not want to follow that behavior. This was a pivotal time for me because I started to pay more attention to where I consciously wanted to focus on: love, peace, joy, kindness, faith and success.

I’d like to share five ways that have worked for me to Develop a SUCCESS Mindset:

  1. Be selective and keep good company: Pay attention to the language you hear, people’s attitudes, the media, and all the negative ways in which you might be influenced daily. Choose company that helps you to move towards your highest potential and ideals.
  2. Choose your thoughts and words carefully: We are responsible for what we accept in our minds and the language that we use. Pay attention, and consciously feed your mind with thoughts of success and declare victory with your words. Always have an attitude of a winner and success will follow you.
  3. Think and act successful: You will have success if you think in terms of success, not failure. Think of what you want instead of what you don’t want. The experiences of your life start in your head. And it’s exactly there where your power lies, in your thoughts!
  4. Appreciate everything life brings you and live in Gratitude: Count your blessings and also be grateful for any challenges that life brings you. They help you grow and become a better person. The energy of gratitude opens your heart and becomes a magnet for you to receive abundance in your life.
  5. Trust in a Higher Power who wants for you to be successful: The Divine Presence in you always wants for you to be successful, prosperous, healthy, happy and to have all the good things life has to offer. You just have to open you heart and mind to be receptive and feel worthy of receiving.

On October 14th I am going to start a new 8-wk Success Course, “Developing a SUCCESS Mindset”, based on the transformational teachings of John Randolph Price. He shares that we are continually creating our world by our states of consciousness and shows us a proven method to manifest success. Click here to REGISTER.

Affirm: I have a mindset of SUCCESS

In divine friendship,

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self-Mastery

If you feel you need support in shifting from a negative habit to an empowering one, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.


The word “consciousness” could be a little confusing, so I start by saying that it means to be aware, to know, to be certain of something true. So, to develop a consciousness of success, we have to be aware, to know that it is our birthright to be successful in all areas or our lives. If we start by focusing on the truth, then we can build this consciousness from there.

Throughout the years I have learned that I have to be receptive to success if I want to attract success in my life. For many years I lived in ignorance by using language of lack and limitation and by allowing my mind to accept thoughts of fear, doubt and insecurity. I did not know that my own thoughts, words and actions were creating blocks to my success. I am forever grateful for the so many amazing teachers and authors of books that have helped me expand my consciousness of success.

My attitude is totally different now. I am very respectful of the law of cause and effect. I understand that I am creating my reality every day by the quality of my consciousness. During the day I release any thoughts that are opposite to success and I use affirmations constantly. I am now conscious of the power of the law of magnetism or the law of attraction. Because I have chosen to attract success in all areas of my life, I focus on thoughts and use language of success. I have come to understand that there is a divine power within me that is all caring and is guiding me to be successful. I also seek to be around positive and successful people. I can clearly say that due to the effort and commitment I have invested in developing a prosperity consciousness, I am enjoying true success in all aspects of my life. And when I am faced with challenges, I remain strong and committed to the principles of success.

Here are some tips that can help you to develop a consciousness of success:

Embrace Your Divine Presence within: As you recognize that this Presence is all knowing and all powerful and wants your success, you open your heart and mind to His wisdom and to allow His loving guidance in all areas of your life.

Be Receptive: As a recipient of good things coming into your life, you must be willing to let go of any blocks that might block the flow, like unworthiness or beliefs in lack and limitation. You must be an open receptacle of God’s blessings.

Give thanks in advance: Have a positive expectation of what is yet to come: “I am so happy and grateful now that …” (for example: I have a new job)

Send the right vibration: Commit to sending the right vibration from your transmission tower: Your thoughts, words and actions. Remember that as you put the effort to transmit the highest vibration, you will be pleased with the results.

On October 7th I am going to start an 8-wk Success Course, “Developing a SUCCESS Mindset”, based on the teachings of John Randolph Price, a very respected teacher. He shares that we are continually creating our world by our states of consciousness and shows us a proven method to manifest success. Click here to REGISTER.

Affirm: Success is my God-given birthright

In divine friendship,

Gloria Ramirez
Transformative coaching for Self-Mastery

If you feel you need support in shifting from a negative habit to an empowering one, I am available to support you with a coaching session or with a series of Life Coaching sessions. We can meet by phone, Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. Please visit my website or reply to this email for more information and to schedule a session.

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