Spiritual Healing Circle

The Holy Spirit is able and willing to immediately, and permanently heal any human malady”
Mary Baker Eddy, Founder of Christian Science

Are you ready for inner transformation and healing?

The healing power of the Holy Spirit is alive and working in and through us to perform emotional, physical and spiritual miracles.

This power does not know of big or small miracles, it just performs them when there is a willing recipient. This power only knows Love. You will be guided on how to put yourself into an inner position to receive healing through the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual healing is the touch of the Spirit of God in us, and when it touches us, it awakens us to a new dimension of life. As you open your heart to feel your Divine Presence,  you will experience  your own perfection. You will feel the touch of unconditional love in your entire being awakening you to a new level of beingness. All you have to do to have this experience is the willingness to open your heart to receive.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

5 to 6:30 pm PST – 8 to 9:30 pm EST

Click here to REGISTER

(Once you register, you will receive the zoom link to participate)

Gloria’s spiritual healing ceremonies are completely guided by the Divine loving Spirit of God, The Holy Spirit. Gloria is very respectful of your own spiritual beliefs and understands that the name you call your Higher power is very personal.

Gloria is guided by the Holy Spirit to help you clear any emotional, physical or spiritual blocks as she is shown them through visions, feelings or voice. Also as she receives messages, she will be sharing them with you during the healing session.

She guides you through the entire process with infinite love, gentleness and compassion. Each healing experience is life-transforming as she allows the purest essence of love to use her as a conduit to heal any challenges in your life. At the end of the healing you will feel the difference in your being, and a complete sense of unconditional love and peace.

Some of the experiences you could have during a spiritual healing are:

  • The releasing of emotional, physical, and/or spiritual challenges. The power of Spirit might reveal the cause of the challenge.
  • The releasing of  challenges from the root that created them, with the end result of instant shifts in your energy.
  • Seeing clearly the repeating patterns in your life. You will be able to shift instantly any limiting beliefs.
  • The removal of deep-rooted emotions from childhood.
  • You might experience instant physical miracles.
  • You will feel pure unconditional love, a deep connection to your Creator and a complete feeling of peace and well-being.
  • You will remember your true essence at a higher level.
  • You will receive profound messages from Spirit.
  • You will experience higher self-esteem and self-love.
  • This experience will give you great tools to support you in maintaining your balance and well-being.


“Gloria’s services are so heartfelt, genuine, and natural… she touches each person — literally! — and opens in each of us a greater awareness of our own Inner Healer. To know Gloria is to be enriched.”  Laurie Shank, FL

“I just wanted to share what a beautiful spiritual experience we had last night at the meditation healing service given by Gloria Ramirez. It was a gift for all of those in the presence of Spirit.” John Papavaretis, FL

“Gloria is truly a gifted Healer. Her work has helped me to fully live my life’s vision.” Johnny Regan, Vision: Miami

“I can feel the pure love and light of the Holy Spirit flow through Gloria and bless my entire being with its presence. Gloria is truly an angel of the highest order” Damon Dickinson, Asheville, NC

“Gloria is enthused with and is pure Spirit. She is a vessel of inspiration, depth and empowerment. She breathes what she teaches.” Rev. Charles Geddes, Founder Bridges of Wellness, Fort Lauderdale

To schedule a private coaching and healing session with Gloria
please call 530-264-0097
or send an e-mail to love@GloriaRamirez.com

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